Get To Know All About of Trumpet Repair and Restoration

If you're thinking about Trumpet Repair and Restoration, don't just do it because of the visual appeal. A dirty trumpet will not play well and could even be dangerous!

Keep Your Trumpet Clean and Sounding Great!

A trumpet care kit is an investment that will help you keep your instrument clean, oiled or greased according to manufacturer's specifications. A few tips on how best to maintain its condition with this handy item: open it only when necessary; be careful not to get any exterior dirt inside since these powders won't come out easily unless vacuumed away by a special tool designed just for this purpose.


Clean your mouthpiece with warm, soapy water at least once a week with the mouthpiece brush. Clean the interior of the shank with the brush.

Disassemble your trumpet and clean any particles that have accumulated inside the tubing with the snake and soapy, lukewarm (NOT HOT!) water.

Keep your trumpet shiny by wiping away fingerprints and grease that might dull the gloss. Make sure you're using the right polish cloth for your trumpet's finish. The cloth must be treated differently for lacquer trumpets and silver trumpets.


When cleaning any part of your trumpet, use hot water. The lacquer on your instrument may be removed by the hot water, causing it to tarnish.

Brush the outside of the trumpet with the brush. The finish may be scratched as a result of this.

Soak the pistons in water for a few minutes. Remove the valve caps and felt cushions first if you need to clean the pistons. If the felts get wet, they will be harmed.

Preventative Maintenance

Here are some more tips to help keep your trumpet clean. 

1) Keep it out of direct sunlight - the heat can cause corrosion on metal parts, which will lead impurities like sweat or oils inside;

2) Don't leave instruments outside where they're susceptible storm damage- this includes both weather conditions such as rainstorms (which could result in dirt getting inside), but also certain energies used by humans nearby who might make impacts recognizable via clangs etc.;

3). Always store away from other musical equipment that may have strings hanging off them.

Always brush your teeth before playing the trumpet, no matter if you have lunch right before band class or not. The sugars and food particles can easily get stuck in between valves of our instruments which promote bacteria growth when they are left inside a locked case with warm air coming out from it during outdoor activities like this one!

Keep your valves oiled and never forget to check them! Dry valves can cause more metal against each other, eventually wearing down the plating on both sides. If this happens you'll have a hard time opening or closing it because there's no springiness left in between these pieces of Spring Barbs devices anymore.

Keep your trumpet in tip-top shape with these easy tips! Between basic preventative maintenance and a regular cleaning schedule, you'll be able to play the same note over again for years. If something's not right when playing it yourself then make sure that an experienced player takes care of what needs fixing - they know all about repairing trumpets too far gone for amateur hands (and prices). 

Are you a trumpeter who is in need of some repair and restoration work done on your instrument? If so, then you should definitely check out St. John's Music. We are experts when it comes to repairing and restoring trumpets, and we can get your trumpet sounding like new again in no time. So don't hesitate to give us a call today!


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